Track user events such as pageviews, button or link clicks, form submissions, products added to cart, purchases & more. You can either select from the list of predefined events or create custom events to suit your requirements.
Add rich contextual information by collecting properties to your events such as details about your product, form fields or any other metadata.
Select a common identifier so that the system continues to associate new & updated user data such as full name, company, address & much more.
Bring in new or custom user identifiers used by other cloud apps to add more depth to your user data and prevent duplicate entries of the same user being formed.
Track people who add or remove items from their carts. Capture granular product details such as name of the product, quantity, variant and more.
In B2B cases, you can track and associate users with a particular account or company or organization or entity.
Lastly, prevent your events from firing at the wrong time by adding links to your thank you or order confirmation pages.
Have questions? Need more info?
Talk to our product expert to see how CustomerLabs CDP can streamline your website data collection
Capture multiple form fields across all the pages of a website with just a few clicks
B2B/B2C Lead Gen
Capture user details such as name, email, phone, company and other details while signing up to a product
Collect user behavior data to evaluate the success of your latest product feature
Track entire user data across your app starting from the last time they logged-in to current features that they’ve interacted with
Trigger a page view event when users visit high-value pages, blogs, reports or ebooks
B2B/B2C Lead Gen
Capture multiple form fields across all the pages of a website with just a few clicks
B2B/B2C Lead Gen
Trigger a page view event when users visit high-value pages, blogs, reports or ebooks
B2B/B2C Lead Gen
Get a complete sense of your visitors' journeys by tracking link or button clicks using No-Code Event Tracker
B2B/B2C Lead Gen
Capture a product click event along with product details such as product name, size, colour, cost etc, without writing a single line of code
Track users who abandoned their carts and improve conversions by sending that data to ad platforms to trigger relevant ads using No-Code Event Tracker
See which categories receive a lot of attention and move its position on the home page to attract more similar users and increase conversions
It saves a lot of development time. Instead of having our developers define each event, we were able to do so ourselves. We highly recommend this product."
Anova Golf
Our secure API's can accept data from your servers and map the interactions with users.
Bring data from your all your cloud applications.