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Target customers better across the entire funnel with a unified martech stack


Key Features

CustomerLabs CDP unifies all the tools in your martech stack to create a single source of truth that can be synced back to all tools to boost marketing effectiveness

Collect website user data

Track user behavior, their identities & actions on your website without writing any code

Consolidate customer data across all data sources

Bring customer data from tools such as email, CRM, live chat & more to create 360° customer profiles

Create niche segments to improve targeting

Segment users based on events, traits, accounts, demographics etc. to personalize interactions

Send unified data to any destination

Send the unified customer data back to any tool in the martech stack to deliver seamless customer experiences

Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager
Unify customer data from all platforms
Advanced Customer segmentation
Integrate all your systems

Why B2B marketers use No-Code CDP?

To track landing page forms

Capture multiple form fields across all the pages of your website with just a few clicks

Website tracking

To track website behavior

Track in-page clicks, video engagement, page scroll depth and content consumption patterns

Website tracking

To track page views

Trigger a page view event when users visit high-value pages, blogs, reports or ebooks

Website tracking

To bring data from CRM

Connect & receive user & account data from CRM such as lead owner, lead stage, lead score, job title, and other details without any code


To bring data from email platforms

Get complete email behavior about a user such as subscriber status, email type, user permissions, location, interests, custom fields, tags etc.


To bring data from Facebook

Ingest customer data from Facebook when a user interacts with a lead ad


To segment based on user traits

Build audiences based on traits such as user job title, location, industry, custom traits etc.

Audience builder

To segment based on user events

Build audiences based on website events such as downloaded case study, page views and more

Audience builder

To segment based on account traits

Segment users based on account traits such as company location, revenue, fit etc. to boost ABM initiatives

Audience builder

To send data to ad platforms

Sync unified customer data from CustomerLabs CDP with popular ad platforms such as Facebook & Google Ads in real time eliminating the need to upload CSVs everyday


To send data to analytics

Sync unified customer data from CustomerLabs CDP with analytics solutions to uncover deeper customer insights


To send data to email platform

Trigger highly personalized emails using Mailchimp or Sendinblue to specific user segments to improve engagement & conversions



Have questions? Need more info?

Talk to our product expert to see how you can boost your B2B marketing operations with CustomerLabs CDP

Growth Playbooks for B2B

Get started by integrating all your favourite marketing tools


Trusted by over 1500 data-driven companies to unify their martech stack


Get started with CustomerLabs CDP