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“Incredibly Powerful and Highly customizable”

Flexible, powerful alternative to both Google Tag Manager and Segment. Very pleased with the capabilities of the tool and the outstanding support provided by the team behind it.


Taylor Banks

CEO, Computer & Network Security


Trusted by Innovative Companies Worldwide


Choose the right plan for you



Ideal for startup marketers trying to get the best out of their customer data.

50K Events
1 Source
3 Destinations (No custom destinations/webhooks)
1 Segment
3 months data retention


Suited for large marketing teams with a complex martech stack.

500K Events
5 Sources
5 Destinations
5 Segments
6 months data retention
Priority Support

One Size Does Not Fit All

Customize your plan with optional add ons

Growth Plan

$99 /mo

Extra 500k Events

$25 /mo

Extra 5 Sources

$50 /mo

Extra 5 Destinations

$50 /mo

Extra 5 Segments

$50 /mo

Profile API access (every 10,000 calls)

$150 /mo

Solution Engineer support (4hrs/mo)

$250 /mo

Your Custom Price

Growth Plan

(This plan includes - 500K events, 5 Sources, 5 Destinations, 5 Segments)

$99 /mo


$99 /mo

Get a unified user view based on your requirements

$2000 /One-time cost


Frequently asked questions

What is an event?

Event is the user's interaction that happens on your web page. Downloads, page views, ad clicks, button clicks, form entries, clicking a product or link - are all examples of events. With Action Recorder, you can track these events and share it with other tools.

What is a Source?

A source platform is one where you bring data from

What is a Destination?

A destination platform is one where you send data to

What is a Segment?

A segment is a group of users that you filter based on specific criteria

How safe is my data?

Security is at the heart of everything we do. Our cloud servers are located in data centres which have custom-designed electronic access cards, alarms, vehicle access barriers, perimeter fencing, metal detectors, and biometrics. They also have the best security audits and compliance in place. In short, it is very very tough for unauthorized personal to access your data.

What is it about the badge?

By adding the CustomerLabs badge in your website for more than 30 days, you can avail an extra 25000 events per month as a gratitude from us. Cheers!

What happens when I cancel my account?

As soon as you cancel your account, your account is deactivated. Your data is automatically archived and will be deleted within 30 days.

Track the metrics that matter to your business,
without any developer assistance