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Be insight driven


A Marketer centric insights platform

CustomerLabs Marketing Insights helps marketers who aspire to make data-driven decisions but don’t have access to data analysts.


icon  If you are someone who wants to get quick results without wasting time, money and effort then this product is for you  icon


Nicholas Singh

Project Manager, Hair and Compounds,


Collect Customer Data Without Coding


via Action Recorder

A simple UI that captures form submits, conversions, user flows and more on your website without writing a single line of code.

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via Webhooks

Unify customer data across your marketing, sales, service and offline channels using webhooks.

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Go beyond pre-built reporting templates

Talk to us about your requirements and get customized reports that solve your marketing woes rather than depending on standard Google Analytics reports.

Custom Reports

Create tailored analytics reports with the critical metrics that you want to track to make smart, strategic marketing decisions.

Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager
Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager

Funnel Reports

See how your customers progress through various stages of your marketing funnel and optimize for maximum conversions.

Attribution Reports

Understand the journey a customer takes through your digital properties and pinpoint the exact touchpoint that lead to a conversion. Pick and choose an attribution model that suits best for your business.

Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager
Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager

ROAS Reports

Get accurate revenue information that your campaigns generate and measure your marketing spend effectiveness.

Behavior & Cohort Reports

Segment users based on any specific behavior or trends and see how they behave over time. Get valuable insights into who’s converting and who’s not in real time.

Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager
Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager

Ad performance Reports

Get all your advertising information in one place, starting from ad level insights to the most granular information you need to optimize your campaigns.

Solutions by Industry


Get deeper ecommerce insights

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Improve product engagement

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Lead insights to understand their journey

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Deliver the results your clients want

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Get the insights you want with CustomerLabs Marketing Insights