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Complete insight into your customer's journey


Codelessly track every click, swipe, pageview, attribute and more inside your web application using Action Recorder

Measure your marketing efforts with attribution

Track and measure channels/campaigns that drive users to your app and subsequent actions.

Combine customer data from disparate sources and get a unified user view.

Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager
Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager

Qualified product users

Identify product qualified users based on their product engagement & fit data and notify sales teams for conversions.

Funnel and Journey Reports

Visualize every path your users take within your product and personalize every step of the way for better engagement.

Track onboardings & subscription upgrades in real time to remove friction points.

Anticipate user behavior based on their funnel stage and deliver the experiences they want, thereby reducing churn.

Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager
Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager

Track and measure sales data

Integrate your transaction data and get the answers to which marketing efforts or customer segments generated the most sales.

Looking to track specific metrics to optimize your marketing efforts?

Custom Reports

Your current reports might not give the actionable intelligence you are looking for. Now track all your marketing critical metrics in one place with our customized reports.

Action recorder a no-coding alternative to Google Tag Manager
Track the entire customer journey with CustomerLabs Marketing Insights